EcoBox 40 - EB40
The EcoBox R-20 uses the size of a standard 40’ shipping container to deliver a static recycling centre that supports self-sorting and the deposit of multiple various types of waste materials. A Drop & Go solution that can transform existing landfill sites or provide a new facility without the need for supporting landfill site development, the R-20 has been designed to facilitate all-hours collection, while negating associated risk from dumpster diving and trash picking

EcoBox 02Mobile -EB02M
The EcoBox D-02 is a single axle trailer with an overall capacity of 750kg. With smaller dimensions and weight capacity than our other trailers, it is highly manoeuvrable and can be towed by most vehicles. We developed this model specifically for the collection of beverage containers and it has proved very popular amongst community groups in Queensland who have utilised it for this purpose as a fund-raising tool. However, it is suitable for the collection of a whole range of other recyclables. This model is customisable and can hold up to 6 x 240 litre wheelie bins or two bulk bags with the option of basins for smaller items. This trailer is a purpose-built mini recycling hub.

The Minis urban recycle station created by Blipvert, has entirely adapted to urban living. One so immersive the container itself disappears into the experience of the street. And so versatile that allows recycling up to seven diferent small wastes, while being a communication display.
Triple personalisation including customized head on both sides, waste plates, and initial laminated posters.

The definitive outdoor can crusher
Eco-friendly: No power supply needed.
Smart: Reduces volume up to 80%.
Sustainable: Saves energy in transportation.
Reliable: 30 years recycling in the streets.
Secure: According to EU regulations.
Funny: It’s a child’s play.

CONTENUR – Optik Igloo 3000
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd is proud to present this iconic and thoroughly proven system from Spanish based Contenur. The Optik Igloo 3000 is manufactured to strict international standards and European standard EN-13071 steel. It is a vertical crane lift system designed for glass, paper, and other packaging. It has a capacity of 3000 litres and has access openings to make deposits on all sides. This model is used to great effect in Europe where groups of these bins are placed together at convenient locations around communities and serve as hubs for the collection of various recyclables.