Terms & Conditions
Our Customer Service Statement
We are committed to customer service at EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd. We understand that the success of our company is built on the satisfaction and endorsement of our previous customers.
We are approachable, personable and responsible. We employ a no fuss, simple customer service plan that has the goal of achieving overall customer satisfaction at its heart. We stay focused on this goal by regularly asking ourselves the question,
“What would I want if I was the customer?”
Customer Service Plan. Methodology
We respond as quickly as possible.
We get to know you.
We fix our mistakes.
We listen to you.
We think long term and know that a customer is for life. We know that our reputation is built on the satisfaction of our customers.
Timing of Feedback
We commit to providing a response within 24 hours.
Complaints Procedures
We believe that the best way to minimise misunderstandings and complaints is to utilise well-negotiated contracts that define roles, expectations and timings at the outset. We are upfront and honest during these negotiations and we welcome the same.
Good communication is also vital. We try to get to know you and build solid working relationships during the course of our projects. We commit to open communication and to keeping you informed of progress and any delays as soon as possible.
Regardless of best efforts, sometimes there may be cause for a complaint.
Complaints can be made verbally or in writing to any of our staff members. All complaints will be taken seriously and forwarded to our director, Silvia Arce Moreno, who will personally review the matter before the complainant is contacted and a resolution negotiated.
Scope of Reports
We utilise a customer satisfaction survey at the conclusion of each project. Please see the link below.
Review date: 1st July 2022
This policy sets out guidelines for acceptable use of various forms of electronic communications by our employees (you). It also provides details of the monitoring that we may undertake of your use of the Company's electronic communications facilities and resources.
The primary purpose for which access to electronic communications is provided by us to our employees is to assist you in carrying out the duties of employment. Employees may also use electronic communications for reasonable private purposes that are consistent with this policy. We may modify this policy upon 14 days notice in writing to you.
This policy applies to all electronic communications which make use of resources, infrastructure or equipment of EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd accessible to you when you are at any workplace or other place where work for the Company is carried out, whether or not you are actually performing work at the time, or at any place while performing work for the Company. It also applies to monitoring of use of electronic communications when you are not at work but where the monitoring is computer surveillance of your use of equipment or resources provided by or at the expense of the Company.
What are electronic communications?
Electronic communications covered by this policy include each of the following:
Computers connected to any network or data circuit.
Electronic data interchange.
Electronic mail.
Messaging services, including pagers, paging services and SMS.
Internet, intranet and extranet services, including blogs and podcasts.
Telephones including mobile telephones.
Personal digital assistants.
Record keeping
Electronic communications and electronic records are no different to paper documents and records and are important parts of our business records. They are subject to the same laws and record keeping requirements as our other documents and records. Accordingly, you are responsible for ensuring that your electronic communications and all other electronic records are recorded and stored in accordance with the Company's document management procedures and policies.
Use of electronic communications
Your use of any electronic communications must comply with this policy, your terms and conditions of employment, any other policies of the Company that may be notified to you from time to time as well as normal standards of professional and personal courtesy and conduct. These standards are expanded upon in this policy. Your use of any electronic communications for any purpose other than undertaking your duties as an employee is acceptance by you of the Company's collection, use, disclosure and storage of any personal information resulting from that use.
Electronic communications are not private. In the course of delivery, an electronic communication may pass through multiple servers or other infrastructure outside the control of the Company and may be viewed or copied by third parties. Care must be taken in forwarding information or documents out of our office, so that they are sent in accordance with our security and confidentiality policies.
In addition, electronic communications are monitored by the Company (see below).
Communicating externally about aspects of the Company, its operations or customers or information of our customers/ clients or copying or removing files or data that are confidential or subject to other restrictions on disclosure is absolutely prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action, including immediate termination, and other legal action. As an employee you may have access to personal information about other Company employees and customers of the Company. Confidentiality of that information must be maintained. Communicating internally about the personal information of other Company employees and clients is absolutely prohibited unless for the purpose of carrying out your duties in the course of your employment.
What is acceptable use?
Subject to the terms of this policy, you may use the electronic communications resources provided by the Company for each of the following:
Work or client related purposes.
Sending and receiving personal communications, provided that for any personal communication sent with a Company email address in the From: or Reply-To: header, a disclaimer must accompany the email that the communication is a personal communication and the views of the sender may not represent those of the Company. The Company accepts no responsibility for personal electronic communications.
Accessing the World Wide Web for personal purposes. Purchasing products or services via the internet is not prohibited but the Company accepts no liability for risks or costs associated with any use of the internet for making purchases of any sort.
Utilising any other electronic communications service or protocol for personal purposes, after obtaining permission to do so from the General Manager or Chief Information Officer.
Any personal use within normal business hours must be moderate in time. Any personal use must not incur significant cost for the Company and must not interfere with your employment duties or those of any other person.
What is not acceptable use?
Except in the course of your duties or with the express permission of the General Manager or Chief Information Officer, the electronic communications resources provided by the Company must not be used for any of the following:
Excessive personal use within normal business hours.
Personal use that incurs any significant cost for the Company.
Personal use that interferes with the employment duties of the employee or any other person.
Personal commercial purposes.
Making our infrastructure available for third parties to use without the permission of the General Manager or Chief Information Officer.
Sending Spam within the meaning of the Commonwealth Spam Act 2003 (Spam).
Subscribing to or accessing external email services or personal email accounts.
Subscribing to or accessing news groups without the permission of the General Manager or Chief Information Officer.
Instant messaging.
Disseminating confidential information of the Company or of any customer of the Company.
Any illegal activity or purpose.
Knowingly or recklessly causing interference with or disruption to any user of any, or to any, network, information service or equipment.
Disseminating any personal information (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988) of any officer, employee or customer (or an officer or employee of a customer) of the Company without consent.
Sending or otherwise knowingly or negligently causing any other person to view content that may render the Company liable as a result, whether pursuant to equal opportunity, sex or racial discrimination or any similar legislation or other law, including defamation, racial vilification, misleading and deceptive conduct or any other law, at the suit of that person.
Knowingly downloading or requesting software, media files, data streams or other content or information that a reasonable person believes will use a greater amount of network bandwidth than is appropriate or that are, or any copy is likely to be, infringements of the rights of any person (including intellectual property rights).
Our professional obligations to our clients, business partners and employees require adequate security protection between internal systems and customers' external electronic communication systems. This requires monitoring of electronic communications. Monitoring is also necessary to help manage our resources, including bandwidth, in an appropriate and cost effective manner and to ensure compliance with all other legal and regulatory requirements. Monitoring is also used by the Company to check compliance with this policy (and our other policies), and to undertake investigations if the Company has cause to believe this policy has been breached and to obtain evidence of unauthorised or unlawful activity.
The Company has a system of continuous and ongoing monitoring by means of software, hardware or other equipment that records the information, input or output or other use of our computer and communication systems and programs including the sending and receiving of emails and accessing of internet websites.
This monitoring includes:
Software programs that automatically scan all incoming and outgoing electronic communications, including email messages, attachments and details of internet sites access.
Generation of detailed user logs, including information in relation to employees' use of the internet, email addresses of those with whom employees have communicated and other information relating to use of our facilities, equipment and infrastructure in relation to electronic communications. These user logs are accessible to the network administrator, the Chief Information Officer and the General Manager.
Filtering devices to detect and block inappropriate electronic communications including incoming executable files.
Filtering devices to deny access to certain websites or other content that we consider to be inappropriate or to which access amounts to inappropriate use under this policy.
Workflow management and reporting by user and by document or file, including details of when documents are created, accessed or modified and the identity of the user.
The Company may also engage in real time surveillance of electronic communications use. Unless required by law, we may undertake any monitoring without any further notification to any employee that monitoring is occurring.
You also need to be aware that:
The network administrator can and is authorised to access any area, files and electronic communications on our network, even those that are password protected.
All files, data and electronic communications are routinely subject to backup. Backups of data and systems are retained by us for periods up to 12 months. Backups may be accessed at any time for the purposes of monitoring the use of our computer and electronic communication systems and programs.
If the systems or procedures used by us prevent delivery of an email communication to you, we will give you notice (prevented delivery notice) as soon as practicable, by email or otherwise, that delivery of the email has been prevented, unless the law provides that a prevented delivery notice is not required. The Company is not required to give a prevented delivery notice for an email if delivery of the email was prevented in the belief that, or by the operation of a program intended to prevent the delivery of an email in any of the following circumstances:
The email was Spam.
The content of the email or any attachment to the email may reasonably have resulted in an unauthorised interference with, damage to or operation of a computer or computer network operated by us or of any program run by or data stored on such computer or computer network.
The email or any attachment to the email would be regarded by a reasonable person as being menacing, harassing or offensive.
The Company is also not required to give a prevented delivery notice for an email sent by an employee if we are not aware (and cannot reasonably be expected to be aware) of the identity of the employee who sent the email or that the email was in fact sent by an employee.
Nothing in this policy prevents delivery of an email or access to a website merely because of either of the following:
The email is sent by or on behalf of an industrial organisation of employees or an officer of such an organisation.
The website or email contains information relating to industrial matters (within the meaning of the Industrial Relations Act 1996).
This Policy constitutes notice in writing under the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 of the intended surveillance for the above purposes.
As part of your duties as a Company employee, you may be required to collect personal
information of other Company employees and clients. You are bound by privacy law and ethical practice to keep that personal information confidential. You cannot use or disclose that information to any person except for the purposes of carrying out your duties as an employee or for administering the Company's products and services directly to the person whose information is collected. These obligations extend to all information collected by means of electronic communications.
The Company collects personal information from a variety of sources including its website, telephone calls and directly from clients and other parties.
When collecting personal information over the telephone or directly, you must obtain that person's consent and provide an explanation of the use and purpose that you intend to use that personal information.
You must allow the person whose personal information has been collected by the Company to access or update that personal information if requested. Access must be requested in writing and identification must be provided. You may refuse access to personal information in special circumstances specified in the Privacy Act.
You must take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information the Company collects from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Consequences of a breach of this policy
Responsibility for use of electronic communications that does not comply with this policy lies with each employee. It is a condition of your access to our facilities, equipment and infrastructure necessary for electronic communications that you indemnify us for any direct loss and reasonably foreseeable consequential losses suffered by the Company as a result of any breach of this policy by you.
If the alleged breach is of a serious nature, that amounts to a breach of your duty of fidelity to the Company (for example, emailing our confidential or proprietary information or a customer's confidential or proprietary information to a competitor or a potential competitor), you must be given an opportunity to be heard in relation to the alleged breach. If the serious breach of this policy is admitted or clearly established to the satisfaction of the General Manager, the breach may be treated as grounds for immediate dismissal.
In all other circumstances, an alleged breach of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with our disciplinary processes and procedures.
If you have any questions in relation to this policy or its application please contact us.
Policy statement
The Company and management of EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd are committed to consistent provision of quality products and services that will satisfy the demands and expectations of customers by continual improvement of the QMS and confirming to local standards and prevailing codes of practice.
Review date: 1st July 2022
Policy statement
The Company and management recognise that the health and safety of all workers and third parties is of vital importance and is key to a successful business.
We aim to continuously maintain and improve the work environment to ensure that it is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for all workers and third parties and without risk to their health. The Company will endeavour to continuously improve health and safety in the workplace through consultation, the adoption and improvement of safe work practices, as well as increasing the awareness of health and safety obligations for management and all other workers.
WHS obligations
The Company’s responsibilities
The Company aims to:
Provide and maintain a work environment (including equipment and systems of work) that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe for all employees and third parties and without risk to their health; and
provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers and other persons at work;
provide information, training, instruction and supervision as necessary to maintain a healthy and safe workplace;
monitor the workplace and the health and safety of workers to assist in preventing injury and illness;
communicate with senior management on a regular basis on any matters that concern the provision of a healthy and safe workplace; and
consult with workers on matters of work health and safety.
Managers, employees and other workers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of themselves and others at work.
Duties of management
Specifically, managers, supervisors and other similar position holders are also required to:
keep updated on work health and safety matters;
understand the practices and the processes used by the Company to comply with its work health and safety duties;
ensure that the appropriate resources and processes are available to eliminate or mitigate any risks to health and safety of workers and third parties;
maintain adequate mechanisms for receiving, considering and acting on any information received regarding workplace incidents or hazards;
monitor workplace conditions and identify issues that need to be actioned to maintain a healthy and safe workplace, including any matters raised by other workers; and
consult workers on health and safety matters, and ensure that proper supervision and training is provided for a safe workplace.
Duties of employees
As an employee or other worker, your obligations are as follows:
you must take all reasonable steps at work to ensure your health and safety and the health and safety of others. This includes wearing and using all safety gear provided to you;
you must comply with any applicable codes of practice and all directions given to you in relation to WHS issues;
you must not engage in practical jokes or other conduct which may result in injury to others;
you must immediately notify your manager or supervisor if you become aware of any matter which you consider may affect the health or safety of employees or visitors to the Company;
you must immediately notify your manager or supervisor if you sustain a workplace injury or become aware that another worker has suffered a workplace injury; and
as soon as practicable after you have become aware of any potential hazard, have sustained a workplace injury, or have become aware that another worker has sustained a workplace injury, you must complete all relevant reporting forms to report the hazard and/or injury.
Duties of visitors and non-employees
If a person is not a worker, but attends the Company’s premises, they must:
take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
take reasonable care that their actions or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others, and
comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with any instructions that may given by the Company regarding any health or safety matters.
All employees, other staff and visitors to the Company must comply with this policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary steps being taken including termination and may expose you and the Company to prosecution.
Reporting Accidents and Injuries
As per your duties as a worker, all accidents, injuries and ‘near misses’, whether they occur at work or while travelling to and from work, must be reported immediately to your manager, or if that person is not available, to another person with management responsibilities.
In addition:
Where there is a very minor injury which requires no treatment or first aid treatment only, a record should be made on the Register of Injuries;
Where an accident, injury or ‘near miss’ occurs that requires or has the potential to require medical treatment, it should be reported on the Incident or Hazard Report form as soon as possible, and no later than 24 hours after the event. The Company’s workers compensation insurers will be notified of any injuries that may require compensation within 48 hours. The results of any investigations or corrective actions will also be summarised on the Incident or Hazard Report Form;
If requested, you must also complete a Worker’s Injury Claim Form and obtain a certificate of capacity from the treating doctor. Together with the Company’s insurance company and the worker’s treating doctor, a suitable return-to-work plan will be coordinated for any worker who requires it.
Reported incidents or hazards will be investigated by the Company promptly. We will identify the causes and assess any hazards that need to be controlled. Management will discuss the incident with you or any relevant workers to decide on suitable controls needed to eliminate or mitigate any risks in place.
Hazard and Risk Identification
The Company has processes in place to identify, assess and control workplace hazards along with measures to review those controls.
If a potential hazard is identified, the manager or worker should report the hazard or risk as soon as possible, regardless of how minor it may seem. Once identified, the severity of the hazard will be assessed and appropriate control measures will be implemented to eliminate or mitigate the hazard. The implemented control measures will be reviewed for effectiveness, and adjusted if necessary.
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
The Company and management will ensure that employees are familiar with the evacuation procedures and the location of any emergency exits.
In the event of an emergency that may impact the Company’s premises or the safety of workers, appropriate instructions will be provided.
If an evacuation is announced, workers should leave the building immediately via the nearest emergency exit to the nearest evacuation assembly point, in accordance with the premises’ evacuation plan. At all times you should remain calm and do not run, panic or take any belongings with you while evacuating.
Review date: 1st July 2022
Environmental Awareness
Policy statement
We at EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd see protecting the environment as part of our core values. In taking measures such as those outlined below, we aim to continue to reduce our environmental footprint. We recognise that our business has a corporate social responsibility to enhance the environment and promote the long term sustainability of the Waste Management and Recycling industry. We aim to inspire our staff, vendors and clients to do the same.
In this policy, EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd commits to:
Understanding and managing our environmental risks with the goal of minimising or eliminating those risks
Ensuring the environment is considered in our investment and corporate strategies, procurement and the products and services we offer
Actively working to minimise pollution, manage waste streams and address relevant biodiversity issues
Engaging with our customers, employees and shareholder on environmental issues and transparently reporting on our environmental performance
Providing all employees with the training and education necessary to meet our objectives
Complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements
Regularly review environmental objectives and targets
Openly communicate our policies and practices to interested and approved parties
To monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance with set policies, objectives and targets.
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd is committed to the ISO 14001 elements of environmental management and seeks only to deal with professionals with similar values.
Our Policy
Our environmental policy reflects our commitment to environmental sustainability and our precautionary approach. It also demonstrates our awareness that our actions are important for our clients, our employees and our business performance.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd commits to reducing our waste products, purchasing reusable products wherever possible and recycling relevant products.
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd remains committed to principles of circular economy and where possible utilises local contractors. We aim to reduce the waste and pollution generated by our products through smart design that uses recycled materials but also best allows for the separation of recyclables at the end of product life.
Toxics reduction
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd commits to reducing any toxic materials to protect employee health and the environment.
If you have any questions in relation to this policy or its application please contact Silvia Arce Moreno.
Review date: 01/07/2022
EcoBox Solution Pty Ltd (The Company) is committed to providing a workplace free of all forms of harassment and bullying, as prescribed by Commonwealth and state legislation. All workers have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and are required to treat each other accordingly.
This policy applies to all employees and any other workers such as contractors engaged by the Company. It applies in the workplace, when you are working off-site and during any activity undertaken in the course of employment, including work-related events such as business trips, meetings, social events and training programs.
Any grievances raised under this policy will be treated seriously and as confidentially as possible. You will not be penalised or disadvantaged as a result of raising any genuine concern or complaint.
Relevant and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against anyone found to have breached this policy, which may include, but is not limited to summary dismissal.
Harassment is not permitted, and means any unwelcome behaviour which a reasonable person in the circumstances would find offensive, humiliating or intimidating. The fact that no offence was intended does not mean that harassment has not occurred. If the behaviour has the effect of being offensive, humiliating or intimidating, that is usually enough.
Harassment may occur as a single act, or as a series of incidents. It may be subtle or openly hostile and occur in private or public settings.
Examples of harassment may include, but are not limited to:
swearing in the workplace;
gossiping about a person, or asking intrusive questions about another person’s private life, including their religion, family or other matters;
constantly monitoring what someone else is doing, giving unsolicited or unreasonable criticism or ‘nitpicking’;
openly displaying pictures, graffiti or other written materials which might be offensive; and/or
sending communications via phone, email or computer networks which may be threatening, abusive or offensive.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment means any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature which a reasonable person in the circumstances would find offensive, humiliating or intimidating. Such behaviour is unlawful and not permitted.
Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
sexual advances or requests for sexual favours;
inappropriate or unsolicited physical contact, such as patting or pinching;
sexual violence or indecent and/or sexual assault;
public displays of nudity;
verbal comments or unwelcome questions about someone’s appearance, dress or private life;
lewd jokes or wolf whistling; and/or
communications displaying offensive material or pornography, including posters, calendars or via email or mobile phone.
Workplace bullying means repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards another person or group of people that creates a risk to health and safety, with:
repeated behaviour referring to the persistent nature of such behaviour, which can be in reference to a range of actions over time; and
unreasonable behaviour referring to behaviour that a reasonable person would consider unreasonable in the circumstances. It includes behaviour that is victimising, humiliating, intimidating or threatening.
Such behaviour may be unlawful and is not permitted. Single incidents of such conduct may also present a risk to health and safety and will not be tolerated.
It may include obvious verbal or physical assault to very subtle psychological abuse and can include:
physical intimidation or actions such as punching a person;
verbal abuse, threats, sarcasm or other forms of demeaning or intimidating language or communication;
psychological harassment;
excluding or isolating another person; and/or
deliberate change of work duties, sabotaging another’s work or placing unreasonable
What is not workplace bullying?
Reasonable management action taken in a reasonable way is not bullying. Managers have a responsibility to conduct performance reviews, manage employees and to provide feedback on performance and work-related behaviour. On occasion, this may include negative review or comment which you may find uncomfortable, but will not amount to bullying or harassment.
Workplace bullying does not include:
legitimate and relevant counselling, comments or advice relating to your performance or conduct at work; and/or
discussion or counselling designed to assist you to meet performance targets.
Conduct that breaches this policy
Conduct that breaches this policy is unacceptable and, depending on the severity and circumstances, may lead to disciplinary action, regardless of the seniority of the particular employee/s involved.
The Company shall take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who is responsible for, or engages in, any form of bullying or harassment behaviour.
Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the following:
A requirement to provide a written or verbal apology;
A formal warning;
A requirement to attend training or counselling; or
It is also unlawful and against Company policy to victimise or otherwise disadvantage a person who alleges that they have been bullied or harassed. Any worker including an employee or contractor who victimises, threatens, intimidates or otherwise places at disadvantage a person who alleges they have been bullied or harassed will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to dismissal.
What to do if you have a complaint
If you believe you have been bullied or harassed by another worker, please notify Silvia Arce Moreno. If you do not feel comfortable discussing the behaviour with Silvia Arce Moreno, you can contact Raymond Petersen.
If it is safe to do so, you can also speak with the person responsible for the conduct in the first instance and ask them to stop. If this doesn’t work, or you don’t feel comfortable doing this, you can still notify the designated contact directly.
Your complaint will be investigated and if established, appropriate disciplinary conduct will be taken against the person engaging in unlawful conduct. Your complaint will be treated seriously, and we will respect and maintain your confidentiality and privacy as much as possible.
If you have any questions in relation to this policy please contact Silvia Arce Moreno or Raymond Petersen, as appropriate.